Command-Line Interface

pdfforms inspect

Inspect one or more pdf files for forms and number the form fields. For each pdf containing form fields, a test file is generated showing the number of each field.

usage: pdfforms inspect [-h] [-p PREFIX] [-f FIELD_DEFS_FILE] pdf_file [pdf_file …]

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-p <prefix>, --prefix <prefix>

location/prefix to which to save test files (test/)

-f <field_defs_file>, --field-defs <field_defs_file>

file in which to save field defs (fields.json). In general it should not be necessary to change this.

pdfforms fill

Fill one or more pdf forms with data from specified datafile.

usage: pdfforms fill [-h] [-s SHEET_NAME] [-p PREFIX] [–round] [–add-commas] [–no-flatten] [–pyexcel-library PYEXCEL_LIBRARY] [-f FIELD_DEFS_FILE] data_file


spreadsheet data file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s <sheet_name>, --sheet-name <sheet_name>

input sheet name (first sheet)

-p <prefix>, --prefix <prefix>

location/prefix to which to save filled forms (filled/)


round floating-point numbers


format numbers with comma as thousands-separator


do not flatten pdf output, leaving form fillable (False).

--pyexcel-library <pyexcel_library>

pyexcel library to use for loading data file (only necessary if more than one library is available for specified data file)

-f <field_defs_file>, --field-defs <field_defs_file>

file from which to load field defs (fields.json). In general it should not be necessary to change this.